#157: 2022 Trends
Is it too early to tear apart some poor magazine writer’s attempt to predict the hits and misses of 2022? We don’t think so.
The practical application of scientific principles to the art of hop agriculture and brewing science
Is it too early to tear apart some poor magazine writer’s attempt to predict the hits and misses of 2022? We don’t think so.
Untappd collects data; a LOT of data. What can it tell us about the last 2 years of shutdowns and reopenings? Just as important, what are the chances that these consumer trends are going to make us mad?
This week we dissect the aroma science, sales and philosophy around flights. Plus, robots!
Marketing, sales, advertising, promotions. What’s what? And how does a garbage bag full of hops differ from one that has your tagline on it? This one’s got some low-hanging fruit.
Is this a rant, sciency science or a marketing discussion? I’ve listened to it three times and I’m still not sure. Polyphenols and all kinds of -humulones run rampant as we discuss addition timing and where hop bittering comes from.
This week we discuss some of the beer trends of 2020 and then get into where farming could be in the next 20 years. It’s full of odd concepts like “share of throat”, “hippie vinegar tea” and “decorating the cow with data”. Also, see what happens when Gregg tries a really unpleasant beer.
As we discussed in Part 1, Customer Service is a mindset spanning all aspects of the customer lifecycle. When things go sideways you get into the Customer Support part of the equation. This week is about how – and how not – to react in those situations.
Delighting your existing and potential customers with great service isn’t always easy when you’re knee-deep in the field. However, you’ll be knee-deep in unsold inventory if you don’t prioritize it. Plus, some new audio stuff to announce!
It’s Part 2 of the Scientific Method, but this time we’re taking the methodology to your business. There’s nothing magical about this: framing the right question, gathering data and removing bias will point you in the right direction in the field and on the spreadsheet.
Guest star Julie talks to us about greenhoused plants at Sandy Ridge Farm: viruses, transportation and more. Then she schools us in a game of Beer ‘er No. Hey, it’s on You Tube too!