#151: The Complete Guide to Alpha Acids
Alpha Acids. Isomerization. Spectraphotometry. Lightstruck. It’s chemistry day at Hopnology (hi Joe!).
The practical application of scientific principles to the art of hop agriculture and brewing science
Alpha Acids. Isomerization. Spectraphotometry. Lightstruck. It’s chemistry day at Hopnology (hi Joe!).
What are we thankful for? Carpet. Seriously though, this week we talk about the concept of embodied energy and how it relates to hop production, the beer industry and our own personal footprint on the environment.
Hopnology listener Bob Scruggs reached out to tell us about a machine learning model that he’s developed to identify issues with your hops. This could get very complicated if you want it to…and that’s how we like it!
Don’t call it dirt. Dirt is dead. Soil is alive (insert Vincent Price laugh)! Bwah-ha-ha-ha!!!!!
Is this a rant, sciency science or a marketing discussion? I’ve listened to it three times and I’m still not sure. Polyphenols and all kinds of -humulones run rampant as we discuss addition timing and where hop bittering comes from.
Okay, we’ve talked about the HOW behind hop breeding. Now let’s examine WHY you would do this.
In another installment of “they asked it on the Discord” we discuss the sciency-science around hop breeding. Haploid, diploid, triploid. We get all ploidy on you this week.
The History of Fertilizer. Why it works, how it works, potassium, potash and coprolite. Sounds like a bunch of crap if you ask me.
It’s Part 2 of the Scientific Method, but this time we’re taking the methodology to your business. There’s nothing magical about this: framing the right question, gathering data and removing bias will point you in the right direction in the field and on the spreadsheet.
You changed something in your hopyard between Year 3 and Year 4. Yield went up. Did your single change make a difference? This week we dissect the Scientific Method and how to properly set up your experiments (insert maniacal laugh here).