#176: Burnout and More
On another “We read it so you don’t have to” we leaf through the latest New Brewer. Topics on tap include non-IPA breweries, craft beer in Mexico and a deep dive into employee burnout.
The practical application of scientific principles to the art of hop agriculture and brewing science
On another “We read it so you don’t have to” we leaf through the latest New Brewer. Topics on tap include non-IPA breweries, craft beer in Mexico and a deep dive into employee burnout.
When the next season rolls around you can just plug your Wolf in and get back to work. All of your tools will be just where you left them and you can pick up where you left off, right? Wrong. So, so, wrong.
Mother Nature is….inevitable!
If you can make it through the first six minutes of meandering there is actually a point at the end of the rainbow. What can we look at in the rear-view mirror and comfortably say we would have done it differently? Plus, printing the internet.
As if running a hop farm isn’t busy enough, how do you handle the looky-loos who stop by “because beer is cool” as well as legitimate potential customers who want to see how the sausage is made?
The French soil pixies are here! It’s a science-heavy week as we talk about all things water.
Gregg’s mad. To be fair, this topic has always made him mad. What is Organic and why won’t we do it right?
If you can put up with Gregg’s coughing this is your entry point into brewer conversations. Don’t know anything about brewing but you’re selling ingredients to brewers? This is for you!
We rant on other folks’ rants. Topics include the WeWork-ization of pubs and hiring bias.
Weed pressure leads to disease pressure; fall behind on your weeding and you’re in trouble. In this early episode we talk about the ramifications of poor hopyard maintenance.