#183: Requiem
This is it, folks! We wanted to call it Hopnology: Endgame but those Disney folks are a litigious bunch.
The practical application of scientific principles to the art of hop agriculture and brewing science
This is it, folks! We wanted to call it Hopnology: Endgame but those Disney folks are a litigious bunch.
What’s more fun than watching James fight with people online? Listening to him fight with a computer.
We’re on a Sciency Science roll and this week it’s about thiols. More of the magic that exists in your hops if you only know where to look.
It was the episode that launched a thousand future rants. When to know when to change.
A counterpoint to the NA boom and what to look for in “hop experts”.
A deep dive into harvesters, and a look back to Gregg’s first major rant.
When don’t brewers want to buy your hops? When they are navigating hundreds (thousands?) of drunken consumers at a beer festival.
It depends. It depends. It depends. You get it.
Weed pressure leads to disease pressure; fall behind on your weeding and you’re in trouble. In this early episode we talk about the ramifications of poor hopyard maintenance.
When is it time to train your hops? Brace yourselves…..it depends!